How To Choose Your Bridesmaids

Choosing a Bridesmaid May Be A Difficult Task.  So How Do You Decide?

Congratulations are in order, you are engaged and excited about planning your wedding!  A very important part of the planning will be selecting your bridesmaids!  What a fun task, right?   Well, selecting a bridesmaid may also be a a challenge for a number of reasons.  Maybe you have many friends that you would like to consider.  Your groom may want a smaller bridal party.  Maybe location is an issue because you are planning an out of town wedding and want to be considerate about other peoples time and financial commitment as a bridal party member.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect, here are five key questions to ask yourself as you choose the perfect bridal party.

1. How big will your wedding be?
Based much on tradition, the size of your wedding party usually is consistent with how big your wedding is going to be! The more formal your wedding is usually translates into having more bridesmaids.  In contrast, if your wedding in more intimate and casual, you typically see less bridesmaids in the wedding party.

2. Will I be life long friends with the ladies I select to share my special day with as a bridesmaid?
If all other considerations are malleable, the one absolute requirement is that you choose the women in your life that mean the most to you. Family, forever-friends, soul sisters, you know who they are because you’ve already discussed the marriage of your hypothetical children and chosen the matching outfits you two will wear in the retirement home.

3. Are they completely supportive of my future husband and our marriage?
Believe it or not but this acutally is a somewhat common issue.  Often the brides friends are jealous, or for other reasons may not particularly like the groom. Any bridesmaid you select should definitely be big fans of your groom and that rest-of-your-life relationship you’re entering into. If one of your pals has never been too fond of your fiancé, or never fully supported your engagement, she’s probably not the best fit for your bridal party.

4. Is she bridesmaid material?
Sure, it’s a harsh question, but being a bridesmaid does come with responsibilities. If your friend is so swamped with work or personal issues that she can barely squeeze in a weekly girl chate, chances are slim that she’ll be able to join you at any pre-wedding festivities, and as important even after you are married

. If it’s still important to you to invite her despite the circumstances, kindly acknowledge how busy she is when you ask her and offer a less-involved alternative, like greeting guests or doing a reading in case she can’t commit.

5. What does my groom want?
Believe it or not, your other half has his own set of opinions and they might not always mirror yours. So be sure to agree on the number of attendants as soon as possible. It’s not a huge deal if you have a different number of groomsmen and bridesmaids, but you’ll just need to get creative with your processional.

For more information on planning your wedding please contact our Professional Wedding Consultants at (702) 240-5290, or visit our website: